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Thank You Letters Just May Get You The Job

by Kathy Sweeney, NCRW, CPRW, CEIC, CCM

Statistics have been quoted that only 1 in 300 people follow up with a Thank You Letter after the interview! Only 1 in 300!!

Why is it important to follow up and what benefits does it provide? More than anything, a Thank You letter should let the interviewer know that you believe their time is valuable. As a courtesy, you let them know they are appreciated and at the same time have the opportunity to "resell" your skills to the employer.

While it is best to type the letter, a handwritten card or note will suffice. Reiterate in the letter what makes you the person they should hire. If there were any others that participated in the interview process, be sure to thank them either separately, or include them in a closing remark.

One very important point: ALWAYS obtain the name of the person who interviewed you by asking for a business card. This way, you ensure that you always spell the name of the interviewer correctly. If circumstances prohibit you from getting a card, remember the name and then follow up with the receptionist later in the day to obtain the correct spelling of the first and last name.

When should you send a thank you letter? The same day that you have the interview!!! The Hiring Manager is going to be making a quick decision. The person they will most likely hire is the one who stands out more in their mind. Be that person! If you would really like to get your point across, send it Federal Express or UPS Next Day Air. They will realize just how serious you are about the job!

Need a Thank You Letter done right away? Order now or call us at 1-866-726-9052!

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