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Executive Samples

Example One

Here are the before and after samples of a CEO who came to us for a complete overhaul of his resume. On his original resume you will see that he was not focusing on the key attributes of an executive. He was listing "job duties" and not his strengths or accomplishments. You can read comments on his original resume of the mistakes we pointed out.

We completely revamped his resume and brought out the depth and breadth of his experience, in addition to his achievements.

| Before | After |

Example Two

These are the before and after samples of a Senior Vice President who decided it was time to use the services of a professional resume writer, as he had sent out numerous resumes and was not receiving any interviews.

He had not quantified any achievements and the format of the resume was marginal, at best. He also had very confusing information under his job titles. You can read comments on his original resume of the mistakes we identified.

We conducted an in-depth interview with him, identified his accomplishments, and placed his information in a more professional resume format.

| Before | After |

Example Three

Below are the before and after samples of a corporate attorney who was clearly not giving credit to his legal career. There were many accomplishments that he was not highlighting in his original resume. We focused on those strengths, in addition to really quantifying his accomplishments.

| Before | After |


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